Friday, March 6, 2009

thought things were always cool or Why you should let someone else do your gift shopping.

You know, our President, during the two year long campaign, seemed to gain a reputation as being cool..playin basketball, grabbin a smoke, bein cool(I'm bobbing my head and picturing myself in GQ magazine at this very moment.)And yet in the last two days, I have heard a great number of reports of our President and his administration losing the aforementioned cool, mostly with the press. In fact, within the first 24 hours of his taking office, he had already stared down a reporter in the press pool. O Great One, where oh where, is the "Cool?"

And on page 2 of the news, Prime Minister Gordon Brown of England and President Obama exchanged gifts before the Prime Minister made his return trip to England. I blushed with embarrassment for our country when I read what the President was given..and then what he gave back..Read more here.

Be Well!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

just thought I would share this bit of wisdom......

"The American Republic will endure until
the day Congress discovers that it can
bribe the public with the public's money."
--- Alexis De Tocqueville

Be Well!

by the way...

first of all, i thought I should explain why it is I'm up and working at this hour. I am a polysomnographic technologist. English please, Steven..OK, so I work in diagnosing and treating sleep disorders.Fascinating work! I love everything about it.......

and my best friend while I'm working? Coffee.Specifically Community Coffee Dark Roast. For those of you who aren't blessed to live in this wonderful area of the world, its simply the best coffee there is. Its the coffee of the Cajuns, the coffee many of us were brought up on. Its really strong, really dark, really smooth, not too bitter, but just bitter enough! We here in Cajun country consider it almost a sin to drink anything else(though I must confess to occasionally sipping on Starbucks every now and then). Please do me and yourself a favor....check out the following.

OK..on to my next cup!

Be well!

So there I was...and here we are.

I'm sitting here at work, filled with hundreds of thoughts swirling around in my head. I'm greatly appreciating the fact that my coworker made coffee tonight, a duty that usually falls to me. So while I'm sipping away, watching the hours go by until I'm free(current countdown is at 6 hrs left) I realize that I seem to do my best thinking, brain storming, ranting, meditating...basically my best productivity... over a cup of now, here we are. If you are interested in theatre, we are going to talk about it. If you are interested in church music, liturgy, current happenings, traditions ET. AL, we are going to talk about it...if you are interested in late night, coffee induced observations, trust me, we are going to talk about it. I look forward to this trip. More to come..more to come!

Be well!